25 September 2008

A couple of things

Went to the exhibit 'Body Works' downtown at The Leonardo on Tuesday. It was very, very interesting (the bodies must have been the strongest, skinniest people ever who donated their bodies to this preservation stuff as they were way to fit to be average) and I'm pretty sure the models aren't American (we are the most overweight country). It wasn't gross at all (Rossi), just intriguing. The blood vessels were cool and it was a bit overwhelming to see how many nerve endings are in the fingertips. When we got to the end of the tour there was a camel and a baby camel split into thirds and that actually bothered me!

Second thing. I should not be allowed to attend the book fair at work as I leave with way too many books that cost me way too much money. I now have ten new books to read, three of them were specifically for me and the rest are young adult. It's a good thing I have a free weekend to read, read, and read some more!!!! Oh yeah, some of that reading should be homework so maybe I won't read all of my new books in the next three days. The book pictured is one I started today and I'm very sucked in to it. The author wrote Bel Canto and I loved that one and from the first 50 pages I'm going to love this one as well.

Third. I'm very glad I am finished with conferences until the spring.

Fourth. My prayers are with mom as she has her six month scan this Friday. Here's to a clear scan with no lumps and no biopsies!!!!! Love you mom.


laninaki said...

I am also a book fair addict. You've seen me in action at Barnes & Noble...imagine what happens when people say things like: "Buy 3, get 1 free" or "3 books for $10." Seriously can't help myself.

Enjoy your lovely, long weekend.

rychelle said...

i went to the bodies show in vegas.
i was fine until the end where they had the skin exhibit. all skin no body. it made me want to pass out.

Stacey said...

Our prayers are with your Mom too!!!