29 September 2008

Which one, which one.....

Everyone knows I'm really not a fan of Halloween, but I have to have a costume for the Halloween party that is happening while I'm on my cruise (leave it to me to go on a cruise over the stupid holiday and then to find out there is a HUGE party the night of the holiday, ugg). Anyway, I'm thinking this may be the costume. It's advertised as a 'Vampire Queen'. I just like the neck piece thing :) Should I go with this one? (yes Mom, I will have the chest part covered).

Or should I go with the blue and cream one, which is a Greek goddess, and yes I'd have to wear a cap sleeved shirt under it so as to not expose the girls, I mean goods.

Please help as it is a cruise for singles, well at least there is a group of 40 of us that will be, and I don't want to look GInormous, immodest or down right ugly.


joan said...

I vote for the Vampire Queen - my personal favorite second to Wonder Woman.

Sean, Em and Milo Volk said...

Vampire all the way!

laninaki said...

I also vote Vampire Queen....you can go around biting cute men and claim it's the costume.

Caitlin said...

I vote for the vampire queen too, and why cover up the best part of the costume! It is a singles cruise after all and if you can't dress slutty on Halloween when can you, right? :) Kidding of course!
Oh, and you should wear some of those fake fangs too.
Please take pictures!

rychelle said...

a singles cruise? how fun!!
i vote for the red one also.
can't wait to hear about the trip.

Wendyburd1 said...

I like the red one for the neck piece but love the bottom of the goddess one, turning into the blue