20 October 2008

My fabulous weekend

I spent this past weekend playing down South with Funaki and Jazzy. We laid by the pool, ate great food, went hiking (where I fell twice and have the scratches and bruises to prove it), went to parties, saw a movie and just had great girl time. I used Funaki's camera so I'm waiting for her to send me the pics, and then I'll post.

I was also the nerdy teacher and collected red shale rock and took a bunch of climbing pictures to show my students as we're reading a booked called Deathwatch and St. George is almost identical to the setting of the story. Yes, I'm always on my game being a teacher (and yes, Funaki and Jazzy made fun of me as I was quoting parts of the book to explain why I was taking a particular picture).

If I survive this week, (every minute is planned with correcting papers, getting grades done, getting lesson plans for the sub, working at the hospital, going to a bridal shower, getting personal maintenace done, getting homework done that is actually due next week, working all day, helping students, more of my own homework finished, interviewing and writing up the interview and packing for my trip), I will be amazed!

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