07 December 2008


* I Am: strong minded, tall and insecure
* I Think: I should have been born famous
* I Know: I'm dork b/c I read so much, but I'm okay with that
* I Have: a cute Beta called Squishy
* I Dislike: seafood, beets, hamsters and all things creepy!
* I Miss: being taken care of
* I Fear: those bloody baboons!
* I Hear: Bones, the TV show on in the background
* I Usually: talk to my mom every day.
* I Wonder: if things will change when I finally get my Masters degree
* I Regret: not trying to be more social when in college
* I Love: my family and friends
* I Care: too much about inconsequential things
* I Always: want to take a nap
* I Worry: about all things
* I Remember: hiking Stuart Falls with my family as a kid
* I Dance: pretty well, I must say so
* I Sing: horribly!
* I Don't Always: wash my kitchen floor; I sometimes Clorox wipes them
* I Don't Like: fake people
* I Have Never: gotten my groove on
* I Need: to stop being so busy
* I Am Happy: in general; some days better than others

1 comment:

Leslie said...

I like that one! I leared so much about you!! I also ALWAYS want to take a nap! I've been like that since birth!