30 August 2009


What: UT Gluten Intolerance Group Walk: Moving Feet Without Wheat
When: Saturday, September 12th, 2009, 8:00am - 1:00pm
Where: Wheeler Historic Farm
Who: Anyone who cares about people with celiac disease, dermatitis herpetiformis and all other gluten intolerances
  • It is estimated that 90% of individuals suffering from gluten intolerance are undiagnosed and suffering
  • Based on the World Health Organization people who have a gluten disorder in UT now number more than 273, 642
  • This event will help support resources and research funding for gluten intolerant sufferers
To learn more go to www.gfutah.org or www.gluten.net

Most people who know me know that I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease around 18 months ago. I've always had the pain but was never told accurately what it was. After researching my symptoms on my own, I had myself tested for gluten intolerance and turned up positive for all three tests that determine an intolerance. Being tested for gluten intolerance is not a standard test and is something the patient has to ask for.

I struggle daily with what to eat, thinking I have figured out what does and doesn't have gluten in it to later find out, when I'm sick, that I ate something I shouldn't have. I'm hoping that as I become more involved with the Gluten Free chapter of UT I can educate myself and help educate others (i.e. businesses such as restaurants, manufacturers, etc.) to clearly mark what does and doesn't have gluten.

Because really, when one eats gluten, it does not feel good if you aren't supposed to eat it!!!!

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