10 June 2010


I fell asleep last night at 9pm.  Pure and utter exhaustion is what I am feeling.

I woke up at 4am, had to as I hadn't written my paper yet, and surprisingly had enough energy to complete the paper and be out the door by 7am.

It occurred to me, while I was driving to class, that I don't think I've been THIS exhausted since I was a swimmer in high school (when I swam 5.5 hours a day).

The only difference is I don't have the inner health, nor outer physique to go with the exhaustion.

Too bad that mental exercise doesn't equate to a strong, stealthy, slim and sexy physical appearance.

Oh well. 

At least my brain will be all sorts of fibrous and solid instead of squishy and spacious when I'm dead.


A Paperback Writer said...

Too bad that mental exercise doesn't equate to a strong, stealthy, slim and sexy physical appearance.

Oh, honey, if only........
sigh. :)

cristie said...

the strong fit gray matter you can take with you! xox

Sabrena Suite-Mangum said...

Don't you think it's insane how much we would exercise a day? I mean really... I don;t think a teenager's body is meant to work out that much.