Should somebody have their name signed on a card that goes with a gift they didn't contribute financially or emotionally to? Isn't that dishonest, regardless of the intent?
Oh, and just because people have their birthdays in December doesn't mean they should be given a gift and told it counts for both holidays that person may celebrate during the month.
If so, Merry Christmas to everyone whose birthday is January - November :)
NO. That name should not be included. Only give credit where credit is deserved!
And yes.. birthdays and other holidays are totally seperate. that is why i have to be super creative for my husbands birthday because it comes the day after our anniversary.. those could easily be combined but should not!
good points you make.
PS.. doing good. thanks for asking! And yes i agree that my daughter is completly adorable! How are you? Getting ready for Christmas I assume!
My birthday is Jan 6th so I know this pain all too well. People hate having to think of a Christmas present than BOOM there is my birthday.
It sucks the most for my husband I think.
I hate people who do that! OKAY I dont hate them but still!
Hey thanks for the birthday wishes! I never end up celebrating my birthday EVER...well not in the last decade since it's the 2nd of January. This time around though I'm amazed that a party is planned....I'm a little shocked to be honest. haha!
My husband's birthday is Dec. 27th. His mom made him a Christmas tree shaped birthday cake when he was 9 or so. He's never forgiven her. There is Christmas... there is his birthday... nothing should be shared between the two. My 4 year old son's friend has a birthday right before Christmas like you. This year he had a half birthday party in the summer. Fun idea I thought.
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